EPIZONE, Network of Excellence for Epizotic Disease Diagnosis and Control: European funded research project supported under the EU Sixth Framework Programme with a budget of 14 million Euro.
EU funded period June 2006 - of June 2012
EPIZONE NoE plays a key role in research on prevention, detection and control of animal diseases of poultry, swine, fishes, sheep, cattle, horses, wildlife. in order to limit both the risks and damage in the EU and beyond.
International cooperation
Over 300 scientists from 17 institutes (14 institutes from Europe, 1 from Turkey, 2 from China - FAO, 1 small enterprise) strive for the same goal:
- to improve and standardise: - diagnostic methods; - intervention strategies/vaccines
- to develop new ways for: - surveillance; - risk analysis
- for prevention, detection and control of important animal diseases
These include:- notorious epizootic
diseases like foot and mouth disease, avian influenza, classical swine fever, - arthropod borne
(tick and midge) diseases such as bluetongue, African swine fever, African horse sickness, Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever and West Nile fever, - "new" epizootic
diseases including the threatening of peste de petit ruminants from Morocco, and the introduction of new flu originating from swine that becomes treathening for human health.
- notorious epizootic