Scientific themes
Theme 4 Diagnostics
Theme leader: Dr Martin Beer, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Germany.
Deputy Theme leader: Dr Åse Uttenthal, National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
Prevention and control of epizootic diseases starts with the use of diagnostic tools to detect infected animals. EPIZONE has the intention to standardise and optimize (new) diagnostic methods and their use in prevention and control of epizootic diseases.
Work Package 4.1: PCR-diagnostics
Work Package 4.2: DNA-Chip-based diagnostics
Work Package 4.3: DIVA Diagnostics
Work Package 4.4: Pen-side tests
Internal Call 4.5: SERO-KHV
Theme 5 Intervention Strategies
Theme leaders: Dr Linda Dixon, Institute for Animal Health, United Kingdom and Dr Marie-Frédérique Le Potier, L'Agence nationale chargée de la sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail, France.
EPIZONE integrates research throughout Europe aimed at effective control of epizootic diseases by use of intervention strategies. The goal is to improve the efficacy of vaccination regimes and optimize vaccine strategies. The focus is on the OIE list A diseases: African swine fever, classical swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, bluetongue, Rift Valley fever and avian influenza
Work Package 5.1: Vaccine technologies
Work Package 5.2: Host responses to infection
Work Package 5.3: Adjuvants
Work Package 5.4: Antivirals
Internal Call 5.5: Improved Immunology Toolbox
Internal Call 5.6: Prime Boost Strategies
Theme 6 Surveillance and Epidemiology
Theme Leader: Dr Claes Enøe, National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
Deputy Theme leader: Dr Laura Powell, Veterinary Laboratories Agency, United Kingdom.
EPIZONE aims to make epidemiological and surveillance data of epizootic diseases available for partner institutes, to improve understanding of the epidemiology of these diseases so that better surveillance and control strategies can be developed.
Work Package 6.1: Surveillance & Epidemiology of emerging viral diseases in aquaculture
Work Package 6.2: Field Epidemiology & Surveillance of AI and APMV
Work Package 6.3: Experimental Epidemiology
Work Package 6.4: Molecular Epidemiology
Internal Call 6.5: WILDSURV harmonisation
Internal Call 6.6: BTV epidemiology
Internal Call 6.7: BT-DYN-VECT
Theme 7 Risk Assessment
Dr Louise Kelly, Veterinary Laboratories Agency, United Kingdom.
Dr Franz Conraths, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Germany.
Assessing the risk of introduction of an epizootic disease in Europe, and its potential consequences, should be an integral part of any surveillance programme. Despite the availability of the OIE guidelines, there remain differences in the approaches used by organisations, and different countries within Europe, when undertaking risk assessments. In addition, criteria for determining whether or not data are appropriate for risk assessments do not exist. EPIZONE focuses on advancing the discipline of risk assessment through the standardisation of methods and the collection of appropriate data.
Work Package 7.1: Standardisation of import risk assessment
Work Package 7.2: European online database on epizootic diseases as an early warning system
Work Package 7.3: Decision support system for CSF
Work Package 7.4: Impact of environmental effects on the risk of introduction of epizootic diseases in Europe:Identification and Prioritisation