
All information contained within the EPIZONE website - text, images, illustrations, design - is copyright. Copyright is variously held by EPIZONE, DiVa and contributors who have given us permission to use their material. You may view, download and use this information for your personal use only. Any other use of the material requires the express written permission of the copyright holders.


Whilst EPIZONE, its Partners and Associates make every effort to ensure that information presented on the EPIZONE website, and the EPIZONE email list, is accurate, they do not offer any warranty or representation, expressed or implied about its accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for a particular purpose. You assume full responsibility for using the information presented on the EPIZONE website. You understand and agree that neither EPIZONE, nor its Trustees, nor its Partners, nor its Associates are responsible or liable for any claim, loss or damage resulting from the use of the EPIZONE web site or the EPIZONE message board.

Privacy Policy

EPIZONE will use the information and feedback you provide to deliver support services and to further enhance our products and services. We may also report aggregate data - which would not include any details identifying individuals, businesses, companies or organisations - in reports and presentations describing our products and services. With these exceptions we shall not pass the information you provide to any other company or organisation without first obtaining your permission to do so.

More information

If you require further information regarding our copyright, disclaimer & privacy policies please contact:

EPIZONE management office
Houtribweg 39
8221 RA Lelystad
The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 320 238883
Email: epizone.bvr@wur.nl