Download the abstract book of the 16th AM
The EPIZONE 16th Annual Meeting will be from 25-27 September in Uppsala, Sweden. The event will be hosted by the Swedish Veterinary Agency. The theme of this year’s edition will be “Viruses, vectors and wildlife”.
The venue will be ‘Norrlands Nation Fest & Konferens’. We look forward to your participation and welcome you with great pleasure to Sweden in September 2024!
On behalf of the Organising Committee
and the Scientific Committe of the 16th EPIZONE AM:

Wim van der Poel of Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR)
Coordinator of EPIZONE
Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 16th Annual Meeting of EPIZONE.
The meeting will be held 25 – 27 September 2024 in Uppsala, Sweden, hosted by the Swedish Veterinary Agency (SVA).
The theme of the 16th Annual Meeting will be ‘Viruses, vectors and wildlife’, referring to some properties of discerned recent epidemics and emerging diseases.
The focus will be on current research efforts in the field of epizootic animal diseases, including the usual EPIZONE themes, with extra attention to the role of vectors and wildlife. African swine fever, Avian influenza and vector-borne diseases will be specifically addressed. A stimulating scientific program will be provided by invited distinguished speakers and selected oral and poster presentations.
The Young EPIZONE group will organize an interesting program for young scientists. This year, there will be an additional exchange from former Young EPIZONE members who will share their experiences on networking and career paths.
The venue will be “Norrlands nation” in Uppsala, owned by a student association since 1887. The city of Uppsala is closely associated with education and research, with the influence of Uppsala University since its foundation in 1477. Veterinary medicine is also tightly linked to Uppsala – the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), located a few kilometres from the city center, harbours the only veterinary education in Sweden. Three governmental authorities of veterinary importance, the Swedish Food Agency, the Medical Products Agency, and the Swedish Veterinary Agency, are also located in Uppsala. Therefore, it is a fitting location to exchange scientific expertise, and to create and revive connections.
We are looking forward to hosting you and would like to welcome you to Uppsala in September 2024!

Jonas Johansson Wensman
Chair of the Organizing Committee of EPIZONE2024