Sponsors EPIZONE 2024
We are proud to announce our sponsors:
Golden sponsor
Silver sponsor
Bronze sponsor
Sponsor poster prize
Other sponsor
Why sponsor 16th EPIZONE annual meeting?
- There will be over 200 researchers, scientists and students participating from all over Europe.
- Recognition and visibility of your company and products will be present.
- This is a great opportunity to participate in the leading event of epizootic diseases, where you will be able to promote your products to a high-quality audience, seek new alliances and improve your position in the market.
- The 16thEPIZONE annual meeting is an excellent environment for networking.
- Be present and build valuable relationships with your clients.
Do not miss this opportunity!
If you are interested to become a sponsor of the EPIZONE annual meeting, you can ask for possibilities at: EPIZONE2024@akademikonferens.se