Transportation in Copenhagen


September 23rd - Young EPIZONE and the welcome reception takes place at:

Bülowsvej 27

1870 Frederiksberg C

DTU Vet is a 10 minute walk from Forum Metro Station.

September 24th  and 25th  - The 8th Annual EPIZONE Meeting takes place at:

Tietgensgade 65

1704 København V

DGI-Byen is just next door to Copenhagen Central Station.

Public transportation

You can use the Danish (in Danish, English or Deutsch) to plan your trip.

-Copenhagen Airport

There is frequent train, metro and bus from and to Copenhagen Airport.

Take the train to København H (Copenhagen Central Station) if you are going to DGI-Byen or a nearby hotel from the airport (17 min).

Take the Metro to Forum Station if you are going straight to DTU Vet from the airport (18 min).

-DGI-Byen is just next door to Copenhagen Central Station.
-DTU Vet is a 10 minute walk from Forum Metro Station.

-Copenhagen Central Station
From Copenhagen Central Station you can take the bus 2A to DTU Vet - take the Bus towards 'Tingbjerg, Gavlhusvej' and get off at the stop called 'Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet' (13 min).