Present and Future Challenges in Veterinary Virus Genomics

Meeting on Current and Future Challenges in Viral Genomics in Animal Health

Organised by The Pirbright Institute

Tue 21 June 2022 08:30 until Wed 22 June 2022 17:00

Venue Woking United Kingdom

Since the start of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic there has been a growing emphasis on the provision of genomics data to manage disease outbreaks. This is reflected in the numbers of SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences submitted to global databases. In future outbreaks of human and animal pathogens, as these technologies evolve and become more commonplace in both research and diagnostic settings, it is envisaged that genomics will play more prominent roles in both early identification and guiding outbreak governance. This 2-day meeting at Pirbright will focus on the application of genomics technologies in veterinary virology research (lab and in-silico based), but also facilitate networking and information exchange between both veterinary research and animal health diagnostics communities. It is this interface between both research and diagnostics that will contribute directly to the discussion surrounding the suitability and applications of these technologies for the early detection of future pandemics or zoonotic events.

Check the website for more information.