7th Annual Meeting, Belgium 2013
The 7th EPIZONE Annual Meeting "Nothing permanent, except change" was held in Brussels, Belgium, 1-4 October 2013 and hosted by CODA-CERVA .4 October EFSA Satellite Meeting.
"Nothing permanent, except change"
As already quoted by Heraclitus in antiquity ' there is nothing permanent except change '. This is particularly true for epizootic viral diseases and not only emphasized by the increased international movement in animals, animal products and people, but also by the possible deliberate introduction of pathogens.
In addition, the global climate change has already given concern regarding changes in distribution or severity of many animal diseases and it is clear now that the evolving climatic parameters will further transform the ecology of numerous vectors and pathogens. Moreover, the non vaccination and eradication policy of the EU is maintained in most circumstances to allow the unrestricted trade of animals and their products worldwide. All these factors make surveillance as the basis for recognition of disease status and subsequent impact on trade. In this context, we must "expect the unexpected" and early detection of potentially epizootic diseases is of the outmost importance.
More than 220 scientists from within and outside Europe (China, Russia, Canada, Turkey, Argentina, Australia and South Africa ...) participated in this meeting. More than 65 oral presentations were held and more than 100 posters exposed.
The 9 keynotes speakers were of a very good level and their presentations were fascinating interventions.
The Symposium also included a Young EPIZONE programme, organized by Toon Rosseel and Tom Willems (CODA-CERVA), and more than 40 young PhD scientists were able to participate.
On the 4th day of the meeting, EFSA organized a meeting on the theme: "Emerging animal diseases in the EU: what have we learned?" A hundred people participated in this interesting satellite symposium.
Besides the very interesting scientific part of the meeting, our guests were also excited about the fun aspect of the 'Belgian flavors': the Welcome Reception in the Belgian Comic Strip Centre, and the Symposium Dinner in typical restaurant 'Chez Leon' gave everyone the opportunity to relax and to network while there could be tasted delicious specialties from us. Meanwhile, one could also contemplate the treasures of our 7th art.
Sponsors of the 7th Annual Meeting, Belgium 2012
The 8th Annual meeting will be held 22-25 September 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. DTU Vet will host this meeting.