
YE TRAVEL GRANTS 10th Annual Meeting Madrid

Published on
May 23, 2016

A total of 5 travel grants (500 € each) are available for young scientists (<35 years) to come to the EPIZONE annual meeting.

An application letter should be sent to the EPIZONE coordinator Wim van der Poel ( and must include the following information:

  • Name of the young scientist involved,
  • Requested amount of money,
  • Estimated costs of the travel,
  • Ground for the application,
  • Signature of the head of the institute.

Young EPIZONE meeting Madrid 
Alejandro Marín López CISA-INIA Spain, is the new chairman and host coordinator for the next Young EPIZONE meeting: September 27th 2016, 9.00h-17.00h, Madrid.

The draft program will be available soon. See the whole program here.